Ein imho ziemlich cooles Format für ein schnelles Turnier und/oder Liga.
The “Headhunter” format is as follows:
- Single Warmachine or Hordes list
- “Kill Box” Scenario
- 4 Rounds
- Games will last 6 turns
- 25 point armies
- Players strive for the fastest caster/lock kill. The winning player scores points based on what round the game ended on. 1st round = 6 pts, 2nd Round = 5 pts, 3rd Round = 4 points, and so on. A loss = 0 points.
- 1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place will be determined by a player’s total score, with “strength of schedule” determining any final ties.
In Deutsch zusammengefasst:
Eine beleibige 25 Punkte Liste wird Killbox gespielt. Siegpunkte hängen von der Runde ab, in der man den Caster gekillt hat.